Monday, October 22, 2007

My Guy

I finally took some new pictures of Spencer today. He is now 14 months old. He's quite the handsome guy. He has a great personality. I don't think I've ever seen a dog smile as much as he does.


LoveThePrimLook said...

Carol, I love your blog !!!! I will add you to mine too :) I am looking forward to reading more.


Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

Hi Carol, thank YOU for visiting my blog; sure think about you a lot and finaly hit me you are not going to move to NC.
Well, send us some more rain; all we got on Friday was 3/4 of an inch. Not enough but a start!!!
blessings and big hugs!!

The Primitive Lady said...

Well, we're still thinking about moving. It's just such a chore. I've been busy cleaning out and slowly getting rid of things. Maybe some day! I'll never give up hope!!!

Kathy's Prims said...

Aaaaawwwww Spencer has grown into such a handsome fella Carol! Glad to see you're blogging!

vintagepaletteart said...

Awwwwwwwwww.......Carol! Spencer is getting so big!

Welcome to Blogland! =o)


Donna said...

Really beautiful! Good luck on your blog!

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Hi Carol, thanks for stoppin' by my blog! Man, Spencer is so big and so very handsome.
Glad to see you started bloggin'! Don't be a stranger. :> )

cherbear said...

awwwww soo very cute what a handsome fellow